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Year: 2023

Agency: Hungryman Brazil

Project: Commercial TV Campaign

Together with HungryMan, I had the pleasure to shoot experimental fluid art video for the YPE campaign 2023. The client was particularly interested in a complete practical and in-camera approach to tell the story of elements on the micro and macro scale. To fulfill the directors vision and to carry the idea of constantly scaling into super close sceneries, I ran research and development for the major part of the script. When working with paint and fluids, the challenge is to understand physics and to find the sweet spot of randomness versus the way we can direct practical effects for controlled and repeatable results. We ended up shooting an extensive visual library for each product and the specific visual event which was requested. The supplies list included all types of paint, pigments, fluids and oils as well as a few chemicals, alcohols and acidic elements. We shot on paper and fabric, in petri dishes, on glass plates and fishtanks. 

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