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Client:    Greg Strasz, Jean de Meuron, Giuseppe Mercadante
Year:        2018

Terracollage provided the end credits visuals for MEGAN, a proof of concept that can be best described as a tribute to Bad Robot’s Cloverfield Universe, considering much inspiration was taken from 'Cloverfield' (2008) and '10 Cloverfield Lane' (2016), as well as the franchise’s websites, mangas, marketing campaigns and the online ARG (alternate reality game).

Director: Greg Strasz 
Writers: Giuseppe Mercadante (story & script), Greg Strasz (story & script), Jean de Meuron (story) 
Producers: Jean de Meuron, Giuseppe Mercadante, Olcun Tan
Executive producer: Nicolas Emiliani, Greg Strasz 
Co-Producer: Khader Hayath Kareem 
Associate Producers: Edwin Modlini II, Nathaniel Pope, Elena Bawiec 
Director of Photography: Markus Förderer, BVK 
Production Designer: Carol Winstead Wood 
Editor: Zimo Huang 
Music: Iris Wallner 
VFX Supervisors: Olcun Tan, Greg Strasz 
Sound Design and Dolby Atmos Mix: Peter Bawiec, M.P.S.E.

Cast: Matilda Lutz, Garret T. Sato, Ralf Moeller, Yuki Sakamoto, TJ Misawa, Edwin Modlin II, Paolo Bernardini, Kevin LaRosa II, David Villada, Michael Baszler, Cam McHarg, Arthur Naptiontek, Isaac Stephen Montgomery, Hovo Vardanian, Matthew Conner.

With the support of RED Digital Cinema, Helinet, Gradient Effects, PRG, ISS, DOLBY, Digital Sputnik, Keslow Camera, Western Costume Co and Demobaza.

Production companies: Decipher Entertainment / Eternal City Productions / Gradient Effects

Instagram: @MeganFilm
Discord: MeganPaulson#2597

Terracollage megan greg strasz jean de meuron giuseppe mercadante markus foerderer ralf moeller 8K Stock Footage fluid art paint artwork Abstract Macro photography Experimental Practical cgi by Roman De Giuli red dolby arg titles credits
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Terracollage // Roman De Giuli // Nuernberg // GERMANY // (C) 2023, all rights reserved

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